14 juli Diefstal uit het kantoor van YAN

Dit is een gitzwarte dag.
Wij zijn sprakeloos en waren niet in staat om een bericht te plaatsen. De President van YAN is ons voor geweest. Lees zijn bericht over de inbraak in het kantoor van YAN. Alle waardevolle spullen, computer, laptop, generator voor het opwekken van stroom, documenten alles opgebouwd in 3 jaar met hard werken zomaar in een klap weg.

Sajor Jalloh
How can our District grow? How can the country grow?? When others are making, others are destroying!! Sadly, the Youth Advocacy Network Kabala wishes to inform everyone that our computers, generator,speaker, laminator and other valuable items have been stolen from our office! All of these items were bought by one Philanthropist organization called Stichting Tiama Andreas (STA) based in The Netherlanders. Our organization is a community based organization registered with both the Local Council, ministry of Youth Affairs and the Ministry of social welfare gender and children Affairs. All of us are working on volunteer base! Because our organization received support from STA to vulnerable people and communities and also under take community development activities within the District of Koinadugu and Falaba,eg Sensitization on sexual offences, the importance of education, participating in National cleanings, campaign on non violence election in 2018, Community sensitization and support on covid 19! To name but a few. Some people from the other apartment passed through the mand hole and took all our office materials!! Now this will have a long time implications on YAN! Can our Donors have trust in the district again? Can YAN continue to survive without this materials that makes our work easier? This is sad about my District!! I couldn’t have sleep! Can the act fast without money before this guys escape? Oh my God.