Tja, omdat de aanvraag voor sponsoring van Internationale vrouwendag te laat kwam en het budget veel te hoog was, bleef ons niets anders over dan de aanvraag af te wijzen.
Maar…. avond van 8 maart werden we aangenaam verrast, lees en kijk maar:
Hello good evening everyone
YOUTH ADVOCACY NETWORK have successfully undertake the international women’s day at Semamaya community on the 8th March 2022.
Today we visit the Semamaya community to celebrate the International Women’s day which was successful.
We commence with prayers and the chief and his cabinet welcomed us traditionally by presenting kola nuts and water in a cup.
Purpose of the gathering was done by Gibrilla Kargbo, the secretary who told them the theme for this year, the United Nations’ theme for IWD is Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow . The theme recognizes the contribution of women and girls around the world, who are leading the charge on climate change adaptation, mitigation, and response, to build a more sustainable future and explained it to them. Lamin Mansaray also add in explaining the purpose of this day but was later fined by the Semamaya girls for talking too much on woman’s day. They said we the men should give priority to them on this day and Lamin later paid the fine and was freed. Tenneh T Mansaray, Kaday P Kamara and other girls also explained their experience in YAN and the importance of this day. The occasion was so interesting that after explaining the purpose of this day, men from Semamaya community started taking rubbers to fetch water and carrying markets on their heads to sell and women sitting at home to rest just to show equality and sharing of responsibilities at home. The second chief, Mami queen and other elders in the c immunity also give their contributions to grace the program. We ended with prayers and took snapshots together with the community people.