Afgelopen maandag was het weer zover: de schoolmaterialen werden verstrekt aan 36 jongeren.
Het kantoor was te klein voor alle jongeren en ouders maar dat mocht de pret niet drukken.
Eerst nog een paar foto’s van het opmeten van de maten van Kumba, een blind meisje dat we in januari hebben ontmoet op Kabala Secondary School for Girls en een foto van Yoko met Lamin. Yoko heeft al 2 jaar haar schouder uit de komt, ze is wees en woont bij haar oma.

Foto’s Gibrilla Kargbo
Enkele opmerkingen van ouders:
Abubakarr Koroma’s mother made a statement in a very exciting mood in relations to what have done for her son up to date. She conclude s by with a lots of thanks and appreciation.
The second speaker on behalf of the parents was the mother of John Marah who first of all gives a testimony on her sick bed last academic year and the time the 2022/2023 supply met her. She concludes with a lot of congratulations.
Sallay Jabbie’s mother as the third speaker on behalf of the parents was very happy and thankful for all the help her daughter have been receiving up to date but concludes with an appology with regards the delay of the supply.
The section chief of semamaia thank and appreciate the effort of the organization for the support, after a series of congratulating words, he concludes by asking that they please want the organization to add their school going boys in the organization if the females are not working to expectations.