10-11-2016 Onze groep promoot het belang van onderwijs voor meisjes.

CYAB (Children Youth and Advising Board, de groep die wie ondersteunen) donated school materials through the support of Plan Sierra Leone.


There is this village called Semamaya in Bafodia which is about 12 miles from Kabala, children are given support by NGOS and the government but the parents are not effectively allowing their children to go to school instead they take them to the farms
Therefore as an child activists we planned to engage the parents,stakeholders and the pupils on the 10th November 2016. On that day we were going to put on our school uniforms,so that they will see us as an example especially for the girls.



School, parents, stakeholders and community people engagement. CYAB engaging the community about the importance of education

7-11-16 Abdul Manaff Kemokai wint in Zweden de Child 10 award.

Every year a Swedish Foundation called Reach for Change presents the Child 10 Award to individuals who have been exceptional in making positive impact on the lives of children particularly children on the run. The award aims at supporting individuals with innovative ideas that improve the lives of children. I (Abdul Manaff Kemokai) happens to be among the ten 2016 winners and with great honour i received the award today on behalf of my DCI colleagues and children of Sierra Leone.

Elk jaar reikt de Zweedse stichting “Reach for Change” de Child 10 Award uit aan iemand die zich buitengewoon heeft ingezet voor kinderen vooral voor kinderen op de vlucht. De award heeft tot doel om mensen ondersteunen die vernieuwende ideeen hebben ter verbetering van het leven van kinderen. Ik, Abdul Manaff Kemokai was een van de 10 winnaars van 2016 en met trots ontving ik vandaag de award namens mjn DCI collega’s en namens de kinderen van Sierra Leone.


Verslag International Day of the Girl

Gister was de internationale meisjesdag.
Het thema in Sierra Leone was tienerhuwelijken en tienerzwangerschappen.
Hieronder de berichten die we gisteravond kregen. Er was een kinderparlement in de hoofdstad Freetown waar de meisjes uit onze groep aan mochten deelnemen en ook in Kabala waren activiteiten:

Today we celebrate the International day of the Girl.
Sewanatu and Mariana are representing Koinadugu in Parliament.
Fatu is the minister of Education today.

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In Kabala DCI is certified for the hard work in pushing children’s issues and also supporting girls education and development.


We also observe the day in Kabala. Amadu Wurie chaired the program.
We had role models from Makeni, who travelled to grace the program.

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