Joseph Fofanah

Nog een mooi bericht uit het verslag:

Joseph B. Fofanah :“I am 17yrs of op, attending the Kabala Secondary School and in Senior Secondary school level 4(SS4) about to take my West African Senior School Certificate Exam (WASCE). I have being idling around in the midst of bad company and friends. Sometimes we sit at the ghetto playing dice, drinking and smoking because I don’t have hope to go to college since my father is poor and my relatives in the city do not help us. I decided to go into bike riding so I can support myself in school and feed my family since I am the eldest son.
I came in contact with DCI -S L through Aunty Samira one day when I took her with my bike to her office. During the bike ride, she started asking me questions about my schooling, and family. At first I became adamant in answering, but she then told me her reason for asking and told me where she is working and her purpose to work in Kabala. I became interested to confide in her and so we went in her office to discuss. She counseled me never to lose hope and asked me to join group that she is establishing,
Since I became part of the project, my lifestyle has changed. I now focus more on my studies than sitting with friends or ride bike. The project has taught me how to be responsible in making life meaningful and how to perceiver to become somebody in future.
Aunty Samira calls me every day and talks to me. She always asks me what I have done today and what I want to do tomorrow for what and when. She has helped me organize my life. Being part of the group is rewarding. It is so interesting to be together with other youths to constructively discuss on problems.
I am happy for the intervention of DCI SL and this project; I can now advice my friends who are misguided using myself as an example”.

Verslag eerste half jaar Project DCI-SL

Gisteravond kregen we het verslag van het eerste half jaar van ons project binnen; een uitgebreid verslag maar goed leesbaar, ontroerend en soms ook schokkend zoals het onderstaande levensverhaal dat een jonge vrouw van 23 voorlas tijdens de Day of the African Child op 16 juni.
Zij was op haar 12e uitgehuwelijkt omdat haar vader een schuld had te vereffenen; hij had met zijn motorfiets de koe van een ander dood gereden. De vader had geen baan en zag dit huwelijk als uitweg om de eigenaar van de koe af te betalen.

‘’My name is Fatu, the eldest of 5 siblings. I entered into early marriage at the age of 12 years. Now I have two sons and one girl. I developed fistula after giving birth to my second child who died 3 days later. My marriage became a death sentence because I married to a 55year old man, older than my father. I was forced to have sex with him because he believes that I am his property and that nobody can stop him. I am unable to cope with the demands of such life after the man died and left me with this bad condition and two children to take care of. My family has rejected me and also my community because of my condition. I blame my parent and also the community for taking this decision of marriage at a tender age. I would love to have being educated and become a ”Banker”.

Het volledige verslag vinden jullie op de website onder Defence for Children – verslagen.

June 16; Day of the African Child

Vandaag mag de jongerengroep van Defence for Children Kabala- Sierra Leone voor President Koroma van Sierra Leone een toneelstukje opvoeren. Dit toneelstuk gaat over de gevolgen van kindhuwelijken en tienerzwangerschappen, iets wat in Sierra Leone nog veel voorkomt. De jongerengroep wil hiermee haar aandacht vragen voor kinderrechten in het land. Succes jongeren.20150614000417

Day of the African Child June 16

Op 16 juni is het de Day of the African Child.
Er zullen allerlei activiteiten plaats vinden door het hele land en dit jaar zal de president Kabala bezoeken. Het thema van de dag is kindhuwelijken en tienerzwangerschappen en Onze Samira mag tijdens dit bezoek een presentatie verzorgen!

This day means a lot in the lives of African children.
We use it also to remember children who died in the war.
On this day we think of the number of children that lost their lives fighting for their rights and freedom.
We do a match pass with banners reminding people of children’s right, we do radio programs discussing children’s rights and responsibilities, issues affecting children,I will be doing quiz competition and radio programs with the children in Kabala. I am also printing T shirts they will be wearing.

Kabala is hosting the day national and the President is going to be here.
This years theme is on Early marriage and Teenage pregnancy.
I will be doing a presentation on that.